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LHC nears restart after repairs

"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could restart as early as this weekend after more than a year of repairs."

Category: Big Science


Climate: A question of justice

"This week, lifelong human rights activist Kumi Naidoo takes over as international executive director of Greenpeace. Here, he explains why he is making the jump to a mainstream environmental organisation, and what role he sees...

Category: Climate Change


Weapons: Huge rise in birth defects in Falluja

"Doctors in Iraq's war-ravaged enclave of Falluja are dealing with up to 15 times as many chronic deformities in infants and a spike in early life cancers that may be linked to toxic materials left over from the fighting."

Category: Radiation, Weapons


The future of oil

"New market dynamics created by climate change, geological and geopolitical pressures will transform our hydrocarbon economies, write John Elkington and Gary Kendall. From ChinaDialogue, part of the Guardian Environment Network"


Brazil pledges deep emission cuts in 'political gesture' to rich nations

"Brazil will take proposals for voluntary reductions of 38-42% by 2020 to the Copenhagen climate change conference next month, chief of staff says"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 896 to 900 out of 2977